
Walls, migration, and border cooperation symposium, Canada-EU: A comparative perspective

This public forum kicks off a new project on borders and migration at the  (CFGS) at the 番茄社区 funded by the European Commission through the  Programme and complementing the work of Borders in Globalization already underway there. UVic received five new Jean Monnet grants in 2016, four of which are held at the CFGS. These new grants will explore important questions related to EU migration, integration, identity and border policies in an EU-Canada comparative perspective; the grants fund student research, field schools, and public outreach activities. UVic continues to advance the integration of research and education through an interdisciplinary approach to European studies.

This symposiumnwas held at UVic on April 19th, 2017. It featured two panels, one with presentations on cross-border mobility, cooperation and securitization in the context of the migration crisis in Europe; the other focusing on borders, mobility and migration in the Canadian context and the Trump era. For more information about the symposium, check out the .

This symposium was free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the EU Centre of Excellence, Borders in Globalization, and the Centre for Global Studies. This event has been funded with support from the European Commission through the Jean Monnet action.
